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My Life in Lyrics

"...the keyboard is my piano..." Ashley Lynn
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Message From Ashley...

Welcome. This is where I will tell my story; the highs, middles, and lows. The purpose is to model vulnerability and healing through storytelling and music. Lyrics have been the source of my resilience my entire life. When I felt too low to remind myself of my strengths, these artists did through their melodic narratives. If my stories can offer a similar sense of support for anyone, I am choosing to be a source of relation and comfort in your healing and story. I am here to model that vulnerability is courageous, and anyone can choose to surrender to their stories to heal into their fulfilling purpose. Let's influence being human together through our stories and song. This is the space you and I will feel the most connected.

Music is the feeling of our narratives; the lyrics give them meaning

If any of my stories resonate or feel supported, email me directly at for a human connection with someone who can understand and will listen.

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